Archiving-Thriving Within

We’re coming together to support you in moving from survival to thriving. From being who society says you’re supposed to be to experience the joy and pleasure of thriving in your authentic power. Together, we’ll explore different ways and possibilities to experience joy, love, and abundant thriving within our shifting society.

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5. Pleasure as a Pathway

Sunday Mar 19, 2023

Sunday Mar 19, 2023

Pleasure exists as a spectrum from neutral, safety, and relief, to joy, bliss, and ecstasy  
When we allow ourselves to experience and play with pleasure it can act as a pathway to more wellness, an attraction point to a deeper connection, and medicine for the parts of us that are desiring to be met and evolve. 
Spring Equinox Ritual Series:
Group Program:
1:1 Program:

Friday Mar 17, 2023

Let's explore authentic power and invite your body to come back into a relationship with yours. Authentic power is an unbreakable energy that flows through us and into whatever we desire to create. This is different than the grasping for external and colonized power. This energy creates our desires and is consistently available to us. 
Spring Equinox Ritual Series:
Group Program:
1:1 Program:

Tuesday Feb 14, 2023

How you coming first is an act of love for all involved. And an array of ways to speak love to the aspects of who you are.
Spring Equinox Ritual Series:
Group Program:
1:1 Program:

Sunday Feb 12, 2023

Let's explore internal stability as the safest entryway to bodywork. We'll delve into an invitation to honor your no, the gateway for your full body yes. This is reclamation and hopefully medicine for the people pleaser and over giver within.  
Spring Equinox Ritual Series:
Group Program:
1:1 Program:

3. Wellness as a Birthright

Sunday Feb 12, 2023

Sunday Feb 12, 2023

What if your wellness comes first? Let's explore the idea of wellness from an anti-oppressive lens. Coming from the trust that your body has a blueprint for your mind, body, and soul's wellness. We'll delve into the different categories within mind, body, and soul; then, what that blueprint might entail. In the end, we'll come together, with some questions to live in as you explore the possibilities. 
For outline and vocab:
Spring Equinox Ritual Series:
Group Program:
1:1 Program:

1. Exploring Our Territory

Wednesday Jan 25, 2023

Wednesday Jan 25, 2023

This episode is an invitation. I’ll share who I am, foundational beliefs, and the territory we'll be exploring. 
There’s an invitation to be with this at the right distance, and only ingesting what feels safe and resonant. We’ll touch on what has led to survival patterns, how we’ll explore bringing your soul’s aliveness and powerfully shift your life and your work. 
Spring Equinox Ritual Series:
Group Program:
1:1 Program:


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